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International Autism Awareness Day

Dr. Mike Mehrvarz, Ph.D.

Despite of difficulties that autistic children face, many of them have different unique abilities. One of the most important factors to help these children aside from different forms of training and therapy is their inclusion in school, social and community activities and more. Such inclusive environment acts as role model for these children to make social and emotional connection to others and gradually feel comfortable to socialize, decreasing their physical or emotional isolation.  Many forms of autistic children have many same abilities as those kids without this disorder. Many of them have average to high intelligence and able to attend regular schools and participate actively in society. For those with certain behavior, communication and cognitive difficulties will require therapy and training to decrease their symptoms and improve their function and participation in daily life activities.

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Autistic children show symptoms as early as age 2 or even earlier. If parents found the following symptoms in their children, it’s important that quickly seek help from child psychologist for assessment to rule out autism or other related problems and if needed to get certain trainings and treatments as soon as possible.   

These symptoms may include repetitive behavior like head banging, rocking, avoiding eye contact, not being able to relate to others, does not show interest to his or her environment, various sensory difficulties such as sensitivity to light, texture, smell, not showing interest to others or care givers and many more.  Autistic children might also have other difficulties including learning problem, ADHD, aggressive behavior, epilepsy and more.

Prior to treatment these children are required to take different psychological assessment. Infant and young children are required to take developmental assessment and older children are required to take tests of cognitive functioning, assessment of communication, social function, learning ability, personality and neuropsychological assessment.

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Parents can help their children by setting up limit at home for child certain unwanted behavior, encourage social participation, helping their communication difficulties, pay attention to child diet, providing various sensory toys to help their sensory difficulties. I advise parents to never give up on your children and give them your unconditional love.